It was around 6 pm one spring evening in 2008 when I decided to enjoy some homemade turkey chili for dinner - it was scrumptious. However, about thirty minutes later, I was overwhelmed by excruciating pain, as if someone had reached inside me and twisted my stomach and intestines. The pain surged in agonizing waves. A friend from church, who happened to visit, found me writhing in pain on my living room sofa. Without hesitation, she rushed me to the hospital. There, I received painkillers and Mylanta, and was discharged later that night.
The Cascade of Diagnoses
A few weeks after my hospital visit, I consulted a gastroenterologist who conducted an endoscopy. The diagnosis was gastritis, and I was prescribed a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) to reduce stomach acid. Aware of the side effects of long-term PPI use, I was reluctant but desperate for relief. Over the subsequent year or two, I gradually reduced the dosage until I could manage with the lowest available over-the-counter PPI. In 2010, a gastroenterologist recommended removing my gallbladder due to its sluggish function, despite the absence of gallstones. I was hesitant and I sought a second opinion. During that visit, I was diagnosed again with gastritis and also Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). In 2011, the list grew as I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) after enduring painful bladder spasms and urinary difficulties. That same year, my primary care physician added chronic rhinitis to my health conditions. It seemed my health was deteriorating, one diagnosis at a time.
The list of foods (healthy foods) I couldn’t consume due to all these diagnoses began to expand. I was unable to eat spicy foods (including jerk chicken – quite a significant blow, given that I’m from Jamaica), citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, pistachios, and raw onions, among others. Additionally, I was still on the PPI and worried about the risk of nutrient deficiencies (and other complications) without stomach acid aiding in the absorption of essential nutrients and eliminating harmful organisms. I was eager to stop taking the PPI (and attempted to do so several times), but quitting this medication was more challenging than anticipated due to the rebound effect associated with it. I recall the Summer of 2011. There was a shortage of the PPI I was using. I drove around 50 miles to locate a store that had it in stock because if I stopped taking it, it would feel as though my stomach was on fire (yes, that rebound effect).
Being a Registered Dietitian, I was able to effectively manage these conditions by steering clear of certain foods. I'm aware that my symptoms would have been significantly worse if I hadn't been controlling them through diet. However, one mistake could lead to a flare-up (like the time I took a garlic extract - I remember it that episode well). These flare-ups were harsh and would incapacitate me for a day or two, requiring about a week for my gut to return to "normal."
To eliminate these symptoms and chronic conditions, I had to understand their underlying causes. My body was signaling something, and I needed to interpret that message more effectively, requiring a deeper investigation. What was the imbalance in my body that led to these issues? What steps were necessary to address this imbalance? What initial factors contributed to the imbalance? What triggered the symptoms? I needed to identify the root cause.
My Breakthrough!

Reflecting on my days studying Holistic Nutrition in 2003, I realized there was more I could do. At that time, life's responsibilities took priority, and I didn't progress much in my studies, but I recalled that there were tools available to assist me. I just needed to dedicate time to get the training to apply the right interventions correctly. In 2014, I began exploring alternative methods to manage these chronic conditions and succeeded in discontinuing the PPI in 2015 (finally) by using supplements that supported my gut lining's health. In 2018, I officially started studying Integrative and Functional Nutrition, an advanced, cutting-edge, evidence-based, systems biology approach to health and healing that focuses on addressing the root causes of chronic conditions. This knowledge and training were exactly what I needed, and it marked the beginning of my health's improvement. I had found my answers.
I discovered that Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) was linked to various conditions, including IBS and interstitial cystitis. After realizing my symptoms matched many SIBO symptoms, I took a SIBO test, which came back very positive. With my new training in Integrative and Functional nutrition, I knew how to tackle it. I began a SIBO-specific diet, adhered to the SIBO eradication protocol, and used additional interventions to heal my gastrointestinal tract and reduce inflammation. I have not experienced another IC flare-up since then. That was in 2019.
I now enjoy citrus and spicy foods (yes, including chili and jerk chicken). And there's no longer a need for bladder instillations with that steroid solution! (Which was a terrible experience, by the way). I've also noticed additional benefits from improving my gut health. For instance, I no longer feel overwhelmed by pollen in the spring, and the chronic rhinitis has disappeared.

I am extremely thankful to have benefited from my training over the years, beginning as a dietitian, then incorporating wellness coaching for sustainable lifestyle changes, and now focusing on integrative and functional nutrition. I am both astonished and grateful for these gifts of knowledge and the positive impact on my body.
What Comes Next
This is the BEST part of it all. Now I can help you!
Are you ready to:
Talk with someone who gets what you are going through?
Get some answers as to why your body reacts to certain foods and seems inflamed all the time?
Be more confident with knowing what foods trigger symptoms and what food you can safely eat?
Take control of your health by getting to the root cause of your chronic condition/GI issues?
Start giving your body the tools it needs to begin to heal itself?
Clear brain fog, reduce inflammation, increase energy, improve your mood, get rid of bloating, or improve your metabolism?
Have someone support you on your journey with genuine empathy?
If so, click the button below to book a complimentary discovery session to learn more about my signature program, designed to get you results!