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Meet Cheryl: Cheryl, Functional Nutritionist: Living Renewed

Meet Cheryl

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Board-certified in Integrative & Functional Nutrition


The stresses, challenges, and situations that life brings can oftentimes take a toll on our health. We may dream of being able to feel better one day but may not know where to start. It is possible to put your health back together layer by layer in a way that works for you, and I can show you how. Let's work together to make it happen!

My Story

After several years of trying conventional remedies, I found no real solution for my Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chronic Rhinitis, or Interstitial Cystitis (IC). As a dietitian, I knew how to manage my symptoms with diet, but it just wasn't enough. I still had painful flare-ups that took me out of commission for days. I just could not bear the thought of living that way for the rest of my life. I wanted to get to the root cause of my health conditions and give my body what it needed for healing.

Thankfully, my answers came as I trained in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, an advanced practice, leading-edge, evidence-based, systems biology approach to health and healing that addresses the root causes of chronic conditions. During my training, I learned about functional lab testing used to identify underlying physiological and biochemical imbalances impacting health and dived deeper into topics such as the latest science on supplements and nutrigenomics.

My Life-Changing Discovery

I quickly recognized and developed a deep appreciation for the fact that integrative and functional nutrition is not only a science; it is also an art. I was thrilled about learning this art and beginning my journey to renewed health. Armed with cutting-edge, life-changing tools, I followed the breadcrumbs of my health history and learned that one of my root causes was Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), which has a root cause on its' own. So with new tools at my disposal, I peeled back the layers, identified the root causes, and addressed my imbalances, using functional labs, food as medicine, lifestyle change, and supplements. Read more about my story 👉🏽 here.

My journey into the world of Integrative and Functional Nutrition helped me find the answers I needed to successfully address the root cause of my own chronic conditions and significantly impacted my health, well-being, and quality of life.  Best of all, with my advanced training, I am equipped with life-changing, cutting-edge tools to address your chronic conditions so that you can get on the path to experiencing your best health!

My Training

With my 25-year background as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and advanced training in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, specializing in gut health, my goal is to help you target and address your digestive health challenges so you can eat with confidence and reclaim your quality of life.

I'm passionate about applying a holistic, personalized approach to health and healing. I'm also non-judgemental and heart-centered and will partner with you on your journey in an atmosphere of understanding and support.

Education and Current Credentials:

  • Master of Science: Nutrition (CUNY) - 1999

  • Bachelor of Science: Health & Nutrition (CUNY) - 1996

  • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) - 1998

  • Board Certification: Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP) - 2021

  • Certified LEAP Therapist (CLT) - 2019

  • Licensed Dietitian (LD) - Georgia Board of Licensed Dietitians

Past Certifications

  • Certificate of Training in Integrative and Functional Nutrition (INFA COT) - 2019

  • Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) - 2013

  • Wellness Coach - 2007


  • Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy

  • The Institute for Functional Medicine

Work with me

Are you ready to:

  • Talk with someone who understands what you are going through?

  • Get some answers as to why your body reacts to certain foods and seems inflamed all the time?

  • Be more confident with knowing what foods trigger symptoms and what food you can safely eat?

  • Take control of your health by getting to the root cause of your chronic condition/GI issues?

  • Start giving your body the tools it needs to begin to heal itself?

  • Clear brain fog, reduce inflammation, increase energy, improve your mood, get rid of bloating, or improve your metabolism?

Living Renewed: Meet Cheryl, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist  Board Certified in Integrative & Functional Nutrition

If so, click the button below to learn more about my signature program, designed to get you results! You can schedule a complimentary Strategy call.

We'll explore your specific situation, including obstacles, and health challenges. I will share some clear, vital next steps that you can take to help you achieve your goals.

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